Sunday, 17 May 2020

Joseph Jagger - The Story of a Real Roulette Payout

Joseph Jagger - The Story of a Real Roulette Payout
The success and popularity of the game of roulette, is partially due to it's rich and enduring history. The game itself has been around for over 250 years so it's hardly surprising it has developed a whole variety of systems, stories and even legends. Joseph Jagger is a name familiar to all those who seek a system or method that will make their fortune in the casinos through a massive roulette payout.
His background was a long way from the glittering casinos, he was in fact a mill engineer in a small town in Yorkshire. But his inspiration came from his interest in mechanics and in particular the roulette wheel, he was convinced that many of these roulette wheels would have built in imperfections that if identified could create a small bias in the numbers that were produced. In the casinos of Europe, the house edge is so small that any slight advantage or bias would create the possibility of huge winnings for a disciplined gambler with access to this information.
For most people the dream would have stopped there, but Joseph Jagger was no dreamer he put his plans into practice. In 1873 he hired a group of 6 clerks and set off for Monte carlo, a daunting journey from a small mill town in Yorkshire. His clerks were the 'clockers' who would analyse and record every spin on as many roulette wheels as possible in order to spot some bias. The casinos simply had never seen anything quite like this, so they allowed the clockers in to do their work.
In 1875 the next phase of the plan was ready for action, the clockers though they had identified a single biased wheel that appeared to favour a certain group of numbers. Joseph didn't hang around and instantly started betting on that specific wheel. His very first day he won over $70,000 an enormous sum in 1875. Of course the bias was not so obvious that it guaranteed winning consistently but as any gambler knows an advantage or 'edge' will soon grow if you play sensibly. The second day Jagger alone won $300,000 and his growing band of followers won as well.
By this time Joseph Jagger had become a serious problem to the casinos who were losing vast amounts of money. They weren't quite sure how he was winning but they did guess correctly that it had something to do with the wheels. That night they switched all the table around and the next day Jagger was unaware that he was gambling at a different table. He lost heavily until he noticed his mistake, spotting the absence of familiar scratch marks on the wheel. He went in search of his 'biased' wheel and pretty soon started winning again. The Casino owners had now figured out the problem, the wheel was indeed biased due to some problem with the frets - the little dividers between the slots on a wheel. They replaced the offending equipment and removed the bias on that particular roulette wheel. With Jaggers advantage removed he started to lose heavily, but he was no mug and soon stopped gambling and cashed in his winnings. His profit was something equal to about 5 million dollars today, he paid up his associates and returned to Yorkshire to quit his job and invest his winnings.
This amazing man was often touted as the 'man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo' although this is not quite true he achieved amazing success. He certainly engineered one of the biggest roulette payouts ever and the engineer from Yorkshire certainly caused a stir.

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